By Wayne Allyn Root
Wasn't that refreshing? Don't you wish we had Benjamin
Netanyahu as president, instead of Obama? I took a sampling among my friends-
all smart, educated business owners. Men of substance. Every one of them said
if they had a choice, they'd choose Bibi over Obama for president...of the
United States.
The media will concentrate on the substance of Israeli Prime
Minister Benjamin (Bibi) Netanyahu's speech. But let's first look at the style.
I am a business and motivational speaker who speaks all over the globe, often to
audiences in the thousands. I understand communication,
charisma, chutzpah and salesmanship. Bibi gets an A+ in all four
categories. He delivered the speech of a lifetime.
Americans and the world just got a lesson in CHUTZPAH. That's the
Jewish word for "balls." No one else in the world could have pulled
off what Bibi just did. Talk about a masterful speech. He walked into a joint
session of the U.S. Congress like he owned it. Like he was the President of the
United States. He received 29 standing ovations. If you just dropped in from
another planet, you might have assumed you were watching U.S.
President Netanyahu give his State of the Union.
Keep in mind Bibi is the leader of a tiny nation with the
population of some anonymous, obscure African nation. Yet he held court over
the U.S. Congress for almost an hour like he was the most powerful man in the
world. Like he was the leader of America, Russia, China, UK or Germany. That
takes chutzpah.
Can you imagine the look on the faces of Obama, Michelle and
Valerie Jarrett. I'd have paid a million dollars to be a fly on that wall!
Can you imagine the looks on the faces of the leaders of every
Muslim nation on earth? The anger, shock, jealousy. Why Bibi? Why is he
presiding over the U.S. Congress? Why are they fawning over his every word? Oh
to be a fly on the wall of the leaders of Iran or Qatar or Afghanistan.
How about the looks on the faces of the leaders of ISIS. Can't you
picture them saying, "Israel's leader gets the attention of the world by
addressing a joint session of Congress...we have to set fire to prisoners in
cages to get anyone's attention!"
And that vibe. Bibi gave off the vibe that he alone holds the key
to saving the world. And just maybe...he does.
Now to the substance of Bibi's speech. Bibi walked onto the
biggest stage in America and embarrassed Obama. He schooled him. He took him to
the woodshed. And here's the masterful part- he killed him
with kindness! Bibi pulled off a speech ripping America's president
to shreds, in front of the political leadership of front of Harry
Reid and Nancy front of the American people...and he did like only
a master of communication, chutzpah and salesmanship could- by first praising
him. By thanking Obama. By showering him with compliments. Then he proceeded to
strip him naked and pummel him into submission.
What was the main takeaway of the speech? That you can't reward
bad behavior. That you must punish bad behavior. That you can't agree to deals
with tyrants, terrorists, liars, thieves and murderers whose word cannot be
That the only deal worth doing punishes Iran and takes away their
nuclear capabilities until they change their behavior...until they stop
supporting and funding terrorism...until they stop vowing to annihilate their
neighbor Israel and kill all the Jewish people...until they check their
aggressive support of militant, radical Islam all over the world. That to allow
any nuclear capability for a militant Muslim nation is suicide for the entire
Do you understand the chutzpah of Bibi. The leader of tiny Israel
was giving Obama lessons in negotiation. This was more entertaining to
conservatives like me than watching "American Sniper." I asked my
family to pass the popcorn.
Bibi made three great points that emasculated Obama:
#1) The art of negotiating. Bibi compared negotiating with Iran to
negotiating at a Persian bazaar. Hilarious, and so true. "If they
threaten to walk away, let them." Bibi said. "Because they'll be
back." It takes an Israeli to understand the human nature of
Persians. That threat of walking away is just part of a negotiation. Bibi
understands that.
Can Obama be that stupid? Bibi sure made him seem that stupid. But
I know Bibi knows what I know. He just can't say it in public. Obama is not
stupid. He knows exactly what he's doing. He's not on Israel's side. So Bibi
had to play a masterful game of chess with Obama. So he painted him as naïve
and stupid. He embarrassed him in front of the world. He made it clear the deal
Obama has negotiated is Neville Chamberlain all over again. It's a repeat of
the worst deal ever agreed to- Chamberlain's deal with Hitler.
#2) Secondly, Bibi made it clear that Iran is not a normal
country. It shouldn't be treated like a normal country. It is a militant
Islamic country. Obama can't even use those words. He thinks
"Islamic" is some kind of compliment. Remember we're dealing with a
man who claims Islam was a founding religion of America. Bibi understands who
he is dealing with.
Bibi pointed out that Iran is a rogue terrorist state no different
than ISIS. Iran is the enemy of ISIS, so Bibi had to make a very interesting
point. Iran and ISIS are the same people. They want the same thing.
They say it. They tweet it. Iran wrote it in their constitution. They are
dedicated to killing, conquering, converting and enslavng first the entire
region, then the world. Iran is only fighting ISIS to determine who gets to do
it in the name of Allah. Bibi then drove the nail home, "The enemy of your your enemy." Great line! I hope Obama was wearing a
cup. If not, he may be down for a while.
#3) Thirdly, Bibi made a simple clear point that the American
people can understand. Forget intellectual arguments. Forget the fancy words of
lawyers and Ivy Leaguers like Obama, meant to obscure, confuse, distract and
deceive the people. Bibi spoke from the heart. He painted a picture of militant
radical Muslims like ISIS and how they act- they cut off heads...they
torture...they throw gays off buildings...they parade prisoners in cages...they
set people on fire...they kill women and children...even babies are cut in half
and mutilated at the hands of militant radical Muslims. And Obama wants to
allow them to possess NUCLEAR WEAPONS? And he thinks that's okay? He thinks
they'll change? He thinks they'll stop being angry and aggressive with a
nuclear weapon now in their hands?
No wonder Obama didn't show up at the speech. At this point the
whole world could see our emperor has no clothes.
No one watching can forget Bibi's lesson: No militant Islamic
state can ever be allowed to possess nuclear weapons...or they will certainly
use them. No one in the world will be ever again sleep soundly. No one's
children will ever again be safe. Bibi made it clear Obama's deal with Iran
allows them to possess nuclear weapons. It's only a matter of when. That cannot
be allowed to pass.
I think I could hear Obama and Valerie Jarrett screaming at the TV
set inside the White House "war room." Bibi embarrassed them.
Thrashed them. Emasculated them. By the way, not only is it clear Obama does
not like Israel...that Obama is a Muslim sympathizer...that Obama is trying to
weaken Israel and put her people in danger...but the ruler of Obama's White
House is Valerie Jarrett. Where was Valerie born? Iran.
Obama's actions and negotiations are no
mistake...fluke...coincidence...not done out of naivete. Bibi knows that as
well as I do. So he had to deconstruct this president and his Iranian-born
svengali in a nice front of the Obama's own house.
Bibi had to kill Obama with kindness. He could not win over the
American people by ripping our president in our own home stadium. So he never
once named Obama as the bad guy. He never once blamed Obama for a bad deal, or
bad negotiations. He never said out loud "Your president is trying to hurt
Israel." But he didn't have to. We all know.
Bravo Bibi. You just showed us all what a real leader looks like-
someone who stands up to evil, instead of negotiating and compromising in the
face of another Hitler. Bibi made his point subtly as a jackhammer
and blowtorch. Congrats Bibi, you made a lot of smart Americans wish
you were our president instead of Obama.
And the bonus is...we all got a 2 for the price of 1.
Bibi's speech destroyed both Iran and Obama. A 2 for 1 sale on the
floor of the U.S. Congress? It's kind of like a Persian bazaar.
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