Netanyahu Not the Cause of Obama’s Dislike of Israel
By Rabbi Aryeh Spero, AMERICAN THINKER
Rabbi Aryeh Spero is president of Caucus for America and author of Push Back, and Why Israel Matters to You.
Much has been said about the strange behavior of Barack
Obama, who can’t let a day go without maligning Israel and Mr. Netanyahu. In
contrast, he displays friendship to a thug and anti-Semite like Recip Tayyip of
Turkey, palled around with the deceased communist Hugo Chavez, and keeps
standing up for the Iranian mullahs who want to kill us all or make us slaves to
Islam. Those in the media who see politics simply as a stand-off between
personalities ascribe all this to a clash of personalities: Obama doesn’t like
PM Netanyahu and Netanyahu returns the dislike.
No doubt the dislike is there, but what underlies the animosity
of Obama toward PM Netanyahu goes beyond schmoozability to seismic differences
in outlook and policy. In fact, at Mr. Netanyahu’s very first White House
meeting, before they really knew each other, Obama purposely mistreated PM
Netanyahu by forcing him to enter through a side entrance and, then, abruptly
left the meeting and went upstairs by himself for dinner while leaving PM
Netanyahu and his staff without hospitality or even a piece of bread. This was
a deliberate, unheard of disparagement, directed more at Israel, the state
represented by Netanyahu, than it was at Mr. Netanyahu per se.
Just last month, Barack Obama published classified
information showing the world photographs of Israel’s hidden nuclear site, and
its inner workings. It was his gift to Iran, Hamas, and ISIS. This puts Israel
and her citizens, not just Mr. Netanyahu, at great risk. But, Obama had his
people darken out all the information on that page regarding the nuclear sites
of other countries.
At a meeting at the White House in 2009, Obama stated
early-on that “it’s time to put daylight between Israel and America”. This was
done before Obama had even met Benjamin Netanyahu.
Last month, Obama again singled out Israel by crudely
questioning Israel as a democracy, though it’s Israel that has an Arab Supreme
Court Justice, provides medical for all, and has four Arab political parties
that just won 14 seats. Obama is throwing out these malicious daily barbs so as
to brainwash Americans into believing Israel and America do not share the same
values. He wants to break the historic bonds between America and Israel,
between Israelis and Americans. His intent is to permanently tarnish Israel,
not just hurt its present prime minister. In that vein, Obama has denied visas
to Israelis more than any other group, all the while zealously providing visas
to those from Arabic/Muslim countries.
Our president has no condemnation for Arab countries where
Jews and Christians are forbidden their own political parties nor allowed to
sit as judges judging Muslims. Obama accepts the shariah that forbids this.
Further proof of Obama’s scheme: he had his young underlings
call Israel a “racist” state, something he never says about Islamic countries
which, in principle under shariah, actually do consider non-Muslims as infidels
and second class, that their churches and synagogues be destroyed, where
Christian and Jewish women are treated as fodder and permissible meat, and our
bibles banned and thrown in the garbage. Yet, we hear no condemnation from
Obama. It is reserved for Israel. When a person singles out Jews or the Jewish
state for things he finds acceptable in others… that’s anti-Semitism.
Recently, he let Israel’s enemies know that he, Obama, will
not support Israel, which encourages and provides a Green Light. The physical
attacks will be against Israel, not just Netanyahu… and Obama knows it. To that
end, he has taken Hizb’allah and Iran off our list of terror organizations.
Instead, he has the State Dept. deny Israeli generals visas. His heart is
darkened against Israel.
He prohibited flights to Israel for almost two days during
her recent defensive war against Hamas missiles being shot from Gaza. He has
not done this in other war zones. He even stopped the routine supply of
needed ammunition to Israel during the war. He is deaf to Israel’s concern over
ISIS, Hamas, and Iran pitched at Israel’s borders, and he insists that Israel
relinquish these lands to make a Palestinian state that he knows will be a
launching pad for these terrorist groups against Israel and her children.
The Netanyahu story is a cover, a convenient excuse and ruse
to weaken and stigmatize Israel. Unfortunately, many are falling for it.
Obama’s everyday bullying is exclusive to Israel. So, let the truth be said:
Obama doesn’t like Israel. There is something in his ethnic background that
teaches, as part of its outlook, the need to not only vanquish but also
humiliate the Jew, the Christian. More than a clash of personalities, it
centers on Obama’s dislike of a truly sovereign and independent Israel living
proudly in its biblical homeland, and his intense dislike for Israeli
Similarly, he dislikes American patriotism, demonizing those
affectionate about America as people who cling to flag, religion, and guns. He
dismisses those unwilling to renounce America’s Judeo-Christian underpinning,
as well as those not gullible enough to buy into the foolish and false
narrative of America being, as he says, the “largest Muslim country in the
world, where Muslims have contributed to its development since America’s
Mr. Obama seems irritated and indifferent to non-Islamic,
non-black narratives. He expects others to feel guilty and burdened by their
own history, making themselves, in repentance, secondary and in service to the
aspirations of groups he prefers.
Obama doesn’t like an Israel proud of itself as a Jewish
state, nor does he like an America loyal to its heritage and unique values, be
it free enterprise, taking responsibility for one’s fate, or the make-up of its
historic middle class. He wishes to transform both countries, denude them of
their historic identity. He wants to do to Israel what he has been doing to
America: change its demographics by bringing in those who, when offered
freebies, will vote for left-wing parties, who think little of a nation’s
specific history and unique ethos. He does so here by flooding our country with
illegal immigrants, and in Israel, by insisting that Israel allow into its
borders millions of Arabs who will vote to make Israel’s Jewishness a thing of
the past, something illegal. Mr. Netanyahu stands in his way!
What Mr. Obama wants above all else is to strip Israel of
David’s city, its eternal capital, Jerusalem, and hand the ancient, historic
city to Islam. Obama knows that whoever controls and manages historic Jerusalem
can lay claim to the Land’s entirety. Jerusalem is the heart and pride of
Israel. He wants to snatch the pride Israelis have in Jerusalem as surely as he
tries to take from us our pride in American Exceptionalism, something he denies
and derides. Toward this end, he is fervently trying to decouple liberal
American Jews from Israel. By constantly accusing Israel of “racism, extremism,
colonialism, lack of compassion and soul” — the effective buzz phrases — he
hopes liberal Jews will be embarrassed to support Israel. He is succeeding,
similar to how he is turning the Democrat Party away from Israel.
Talking heads, who make their living jawboning in
conventional, boiler-plate paradigms, think of Obama as they would other
presidents, instead of seeing him the way he must be seen. He is not like other
presidents, nor is he simply more to the Left than previous presidents. He is
an ideologue through and through, and his ideology is rooted in Marxism and
certain forms of Islamism. We need to see in Obama’ actions not the political
maneuverings we suspect in others, but direct, unalloyed, reflections of his
dogmas and goals.
He wants the treaty with Iran not because it’s a feather in
his cap. Let’s be more direct. He wants it because he wants it. He wants
Iran to have the bomb. Not to use it, necessarily, but for the power and
leverage it will give Iran over Israel, and the pride and strength it will
furnish the Ummah. He wants a stronger Iran, not a weaker or checked Iran.
He dislikes Netanyahu because he dislikes an Israeli leader
who wants to keep Israel Jewish, who stands for Jerusalem, and won’t have his
people bandied about to satisfy Obama’s’ lust for Islamic hegemony. Obama is
used to Jews, the Hyde Park Chicago Jews and other liberal Jews, who see Jewish
needs as secondary and sacrificial to the demands of other minorities; liberal
Jews who subsume Jewish aspirations and needs for whatever is considered the
“civil rights” fashion of the day. To them, ironically, Jewishness is authentic
only when Jewishness becomes a vehicle for a cause outside of any specific
Jewish need and identity. They have redefined Jewishness to be political
universalism. Obama is uncomfortable with a Jewish-Jew like Netanyahu who does
not define nor limit the existence of Jews to self-nullification in behalf of
the latest leftwing Cause. He has Jews in his administration and among the
liberal fraternity who are all too willing to do his destructive bidding… in
the name of “Judaism”, of course.
Obama’s inner identity is tied to Islam. We all identify
with the ethos of our formative years. His father and stepfather were Islamic,
as is his family back in Kenya and Indonesia. His brothers are active
Islamists. He was raised on the Koran in Islamic countries, and attended
Islamic madrassa and grew up with its attitudes, sights and sounds, aspirations
and narrative, likes and dislikes. As I grew up to favor Israel, he grew up to
dislike it. Simple as that. Most of my Christian friends, Bible believers, were
also raised with the biblical narrative, which admires Israel’s place in our
theology and in the cosmos.
The Marxism Obama was fed, from very early on, made him
viscerally dislike successful Western countries, such as America, Israel, and
Britain. He was taught they were colonizers and imperialist. Yet, he finds
nothing imperialistic or colonial about Islam’s takeover, throughout the
centuries, of northern and central Africa, Lebanon, Babylon and Persia, the
Balkans, the Mediterranean areas, Malaysia and Indonesia, and other parts of
Asia, vast tracts of what was India, and countless Christian and Hindu
neighborhoods and cities. Not to see colonialism and imperialism in these
conquests tells us a lot about Obama’s perspective. Love is blind. We don’t see
flaws in that and those we love. But, we sure see them, always, in that which
we dislike. Obama’s dislike for a strong, independent, proud Jewish renaissance
in the Holy Land predates Netanyahu.
As with America, the next two years will be difficult, for
Obama has set his antagonistic sights on America and Israel… as well as its
citizens. Obama has spent the last 50 years waiting for these next two.
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